grub, ok, bash, edit, kmdb and what else?


There is a > prompt at Grub, # prompt for the console and $ for bash, but I am clueless about when and how to get into a specific prompt, how to move around between one prompt to another and how to exit.

Is there a very basic guide anywhere that CLEARLY explains the type of shell prompts? Or, would someone here be kind enough to explain it here?

Thank you.

Specific prompts would only indicate what are you running on or where you are. You've given the examples quite well : for example, however, the $ sign doesn't necessarily means bash, because the prompt itself can be modified to end with #. This can be achieved by modifying the PS1 variable in your respective shell profile file. I can't tell for other shells, but if you are in doubt just execute :

echo $SHELL

to understand what shell you are running on. For the rest of the questions - it will depend on what you are trying to achieve, jumping from shell to shell is not exactly usual, unless you work in multi-shell and multi-user environment.

Dear Sysgate

Thank you for your response.

A very old linux book, linux in easy steps explains one of the modes very well:

"... the vi editor has one of the most bizarre and seemingly non-user-friendly interfaces ever invented... The first, and most important thing to learn about vi is that it has two modes. When you are in input mode, everything you type goes to the screen, and into the file you are editing. (the only exceptions to this are the curson-movement commands and the exit from input mode command) When you are in command mode, nothing you type goes into the file you are editing.; rather it will be interpreted as a command to the editor to do something. Understanding this is the key to understanding vi

An example

  1. Start a new file called "testfile"

vi testfile

  1. Press "i" to enter input mode. Type some text and press ESC

hello this is vi |

  1. You are in command mode. Press O and the cursor will return to the beginning of the line. Press "x" 5 times and on each stroke on eletter of the Ist word will be deleted.

  2. Now press ":" A colon prompt will appear on the bottom line. You are now in command of every mode. Type "q!" and press RETURN. This will quit vi without saving and return to you to the shell prompt (This has been one of the greatest mysteries. I used to get stuck in the vi prompt and it seemed impossible to get out of the vi prompt unlesss I shut down and restarted the computer !

The author goes on to present some useful commands and colon commands:

i Insert before the character the cursor is on etc

Cursor Movement

G Go to the last line of the file etc

Miscellaneous Commands

J join the current line to the next one etc.

Getting out of vi

:wq write file, then quit etc

Other colon commands:

:sh Run a temporary shell (CNTL-D to return)

Is there anything like this in the man pages or elsewhere that LISTS and explains various command modes?

Thank You.