grub loader

i was dual booting vista and ubuntu but i have now taken off vista. however the microsoft bootloader is still in the list. how do i get rid of it and automatically boot into ubuntu?

Start into Ubuntu. Open /boot/grub/menu.lst file in an editor of your choosing. Remove the entries needed for booting Vista. Done.

thanks it worked.

im needing help. i got rid of microsoft from grub but i think i messed up grub. i cant log on to my machine. i get

Error 11: Unrecognized device string

Press any key to continue...

this happened after i tried to install grub 2 and had a problem installing it. so i tried to uninstall it. i moved everything from my microsoft partition to this partition and now its not booting up. i do have a live cd with me if that will be any use.

It could be that you inadvertently deleted your GRUB config. Does it show any kind of selection screen when you boot? If so, what happens if you move the selection to an item an press 'e'?

im running off the live cd and my ubuntu partition is dev/sda2. if i right click on it and go to infomation the status is Not mounted?

yes i get a choice to select from. i pressed 'e' on the item i normally select and i get this:

root 08e28692-0f58-4adl-a240-7c617d1ff6d8
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-7 generic root=uuid=0828692-0f58-4adl-a-
initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.27-7-generic

what does that all mean?

root 08e28692-0f58-4adl-a240-7c617d1ff6d8
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-7 generic root=uuid=0828692-0f58-4adl-a-
initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.27-7-generic

The first line tells GRUB which partition to use as root for any paths present for this boot option.
The second tells it to use (root)/boot/vmlinuz... as the kernel, with the rest of the line as options for the kernel
The third line finally tells it where to find the initrd image.

Try this: boot, select your boot option, press 'e', select the line starting with 'root', press 'e' again, and delete everything after 'root'. Now you have to enter the partition containing your /boot directory, using GRUBs notation. So if /boot is on /dev/sda1, enter hd(0,0). If it's /dev/sdb1, enter hd(1,0). If it's /dev/sda3, enter hd(0,4). You can also use tab for a bit of auto-complete.

you are the best.......thank you sooooooo much.....its worked.....thank you.

Just don't forget to make this permanent by changing the line in your menu.lst too.

how to i do that?

The same way you removed the Vista entry, edit /boot/grub/menu.lst

thank you. all sorted.

i.e. your ubuntu partition is /dev/sda2. you could press 'e' and input commands after the selection.

root (hd0,1)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-xxx
initrd /boot/initrd-xxx.img

and then you could boot the system to repair the grub installation by $grub-install script.

you'd better make the ubuntu partion active and install the grub stage1 code on the first sector of /dev/sda2