Groups access

Hi all,

Can someone tell me how I can get around this problem. Basically I use the HP-UX OS and I work with 2 top level directories.



these 2 dirs are managed where group1 can only be access by one set of users and group2 another. This is managed by adding the 2 different groups to those users to use. My question is, rather than relying on these groups only is there a way to provide a very remote sub-directory under group2 such as /z/group2/dir1/dir2/here where all users can access without having to add the group access to all???? i.e. in tricking ALL users they are group2 so they can access a file under this sub-dir

I only wish for them to access a generic script you see



I depends on the permissions you put on /z/group1
Here is a case quite similar:

ant:/home/vbe $ cd /prd/data/mnt0/dse/partage
ant:/prd/data/mnt0/dse/partage $ cd ..
ant:/prd/data/mnt0/dse $ ll
. unreadable
total 0
ant:/prd/data/mnt0/dse $ mysudo
ant:/prd/data/mnt0/dse $ ll
total 12
drwxrws--x  12 prod       dgas          2048 Jan 25 08:17 dgas
drwxrwxrwt   2 bin        bin           2048 Feb 24 08:01 partage
drwxrws--x   3 prod       spc           2048 Apr  8 18:07 spc
ant:/prd/data/mnt0/dse $ 

Do you mean permissions in terms of:

dwrxwrxwrx for each directory?

Try to work it out looking at the example I gave above...

Do something similar and test...