groupadd :: Command not found

Hi, everybody
Instructions on installing mysql in freebsd insist on using #groupadd command. I tried it on freebsd-6.0. just to get this response "Command not found".
Is there any way round?


whereis groupadd

or use find command to locate the file..

if whereis and find doesn't work, then:

which groupadd


whence groupadd

and as a final resort:

locate groupadd

dear helpers,

all of the commands you proposed were tried with a monotonous result :Command not found or :No such file or directory.
I suspect the groupadd command is from Linux and mistakingly replicated by site-keepers in the net.
But then - how can a dummy deploy mysql on freebsd?


Try to manualy edit the /etc/group file. Open it with an text editor and add a new record to match your needs. Be careful on the group id field (third field) to be unique on that file.

Dear Sergiu-IT,
thanks for your help.
Following your instructions I fine the "group" file and edited it as you recommended.
So there are workarounds where there are techies.


you can also try:
# find / -name "groupadd"

Dear _R3d ,

I typed your recipe at the command line as folows:
#find / -name "groupadd"

the box contemplated it for about half a minute and flashed back just bare prompt --

Anyway, many thanks for your benevolent intentions.


dear jb_bsd,

Many thanks for your kind attention.
Actually, the group creation was needed by an application other than apache but that's minor.

First step from your instruction was done some time ago following the tip from Sergiu-IT (earlier in this here thread: "Try to manualy edit the /etc/group file.")

However, the idea of checking the group (second step from your instruction) is wholly your merit.
I did as you told and the box replied "/etc/group is fine".
So, the problem is solved yet still remains my question:

Does 'addgroup' command exist at all in this release of freebsd?

obligedly and muchly so yours`

There's no need for a "addgroup" or "groupadd" command when:

# vi /etc/group

Does the trick just fine. :wink:

That's the beauty in UNIX. If you can edit a text file, you can configure the OS. No "regedit" or anything obscure like that.

As an aside, I usually use "vipw" to add users to my system (rather than the supplied "adduser" script or anything else invented to create user accounts).