Group files and zip

Hi I have 4 files in a folder and I am supposed to group and zip them via a mapping file as such:

Group. Filename

  1.     A.txt
  2.     B.txt
  3.     C.txt
  4.     D.txt

Result should be 2 zip files - and created with the contents being the text file.

How can this be done via a script?

Why do you want to do this via script and not manually?

I am using 4 files as an illustration of what I am trying to achieve. In actual fact I have ard 5000 files

By what do you need to group them ? A number of files, or another "mapping" files ?


By a mapping file I would need to group them.

I am confused mate!... Need more clarity!
Are the files names like 1.A.txt 2.A.txt or how is it? And on what basis do you need to do the grouping?...



The files do not follow any convention. It's from the mapping file that the unix script should find the physical file and group .

In my head, I would reckon the pseudo code will go like this:

  1. Read the mapping file
  2. For group 1, get filepath and find the physical files and bunch them together via zip
  3. For group 2, get filepath and find the physical files and bunch them tog via zip
  4. Rinse and repeat until EOF encountered in mapping file
awk '{_[$1]=_[$1]" "$2}
for(i in _)
print "tar -cvf "i".tar "_
}' a | while read line;do
eval $line