grep variables nested within grep


I have a ksh script that has some variables within the grep command, I am then setting another variable that greps the variables that have greps within them.

cat $WORKINGDIR/meter_list.txt | while read meter
  serialnum=$(cat masterlogfile.txt | grep "$meter" | awk '{ print $19 }' | cut -c 2-10 )
  Thread_count=$(cat masterlogfile.txt | grep "$meter" | awk '{ print $4 }')
  Thread_serialnum_time=$(cat masterlogfile.txt | grep "$meter" | awk '{ print $2 }' | cut -c 1-4 )
  intime=$(cat masterlogfile.txt | grep 'Entering callExitsIn 2' | grep `echo $Thread_count` | grep `echo $Thread_serialnum_time` | awk  '{ print $2 }')
  outtime=$(cat masterlogfile.txt | grep 'Leaving callExitsIn 2'| grep `echo $Thread_count` | grep `echo $Thread_serialnum_time` | awk  '{ print $2 }')
  echo "Meter, "$serialnum, "came in on thread, "$Thread_count, "the time in was, "$intime, "and the time out was, "$outtime,  >> $WORKINGDIR/mail_file1.txt

when I get to the intime and outtime variables declaration the value of the called variable is not being passed.

I need the output string from the Thread_serial_num and the Thread count to be used in the grep "$Thread-count in the declaration of the last two variables.
I have tried "" , `echo $Thread-count`, forms of \<\>, <>, ${} no matter what I have used the value does not pass into the inner grep. Does any one have a workaround or solution to this.

I am in a pinch and need this by morning.


welcome to the forum.
Can you show the sample of "meter_list.txt" and "masterlogfile.txt" and the required stuffs?

Some general things to note:

  • There is no need to cat files via pipe into other commands when they can take files as parameter themselves. You save a command and for time critical tasks you might want to spare all out you don't really need.
  • awk can "grep" too. It is one of it's easiest jobs to match patterns. You could write all those greps with one awk.
  • If not enclosed by single quotes, a variable will be substituted by the shell. There is no need to write `echo $VAR` to use the variables content as pattern.

For the problem that the content of your variable is not being passed, you should make sure 1st, that the content of the variable is the one you expect, before you pass it and if the grep/awk can match anything with this pattern.
A simple echo in the line after the declaration of the variable would be sufficient to check it out:

echo $Thread_serialnum_time

Here an example how you could write such a lengthy pipe column instead:

# original
outtime=$(cat masterlogfile.txt | grep 'Leaving callExitsIn 2'| grep `echo $Thread_count` | grep `echo $Thread_serialnum_time` | awk  '{ print $2 }')

# how it could look like with just 1 command
outtime=$(awk '/Leaving callExitsIn 2/ && /'${Thread_count}'/ && /'${Thread_serialnum_time}'/ {print $2}' masterlogfile.txt)

here is a copy of the masterlog_file I am grepping for the different colums.

[7/28/10 11:00:00:244 CDT] 00000560 SystemOut     O 28 Jul 2010 11:00:00:244 [INFO] Entering callExitsIn 2
[7/28/10 11:00:00:246 CDT] 00000560 SystemOut     O 28 Jul 2010 11:00:00:246 [INFO] Leaving callExitsIn 2
[7/28/10 11:00:00:808 CDT] 0000009f SystemOut     O 28 Jul 2010 11:00:00:808 [INFO] Entering callExitsIn 2
[7/28/10 11:00:00:811 CDT] 0000009f SystemOut     O 28 Jul 2010 11:00:00:811 [INFO] Using Where(MANUFACTURER = 'LG' AND SERIALNUM = '090678505')
[7/28/10 9:00:01:119 CDT] 00000037 SystemOut     O 28 Jul 2010 09:00:01:119 [INFO] Entering callExitsIn 2
[7/28/10 9:00:01:122 CDT] 00000037 SystemOut     O 28 Jul 2010 09:00:01:122 [INFO] Using Where(MANUFACTURER = 'LG' AND SERIALNUM = '105170900')
[7/28/10 11:00:01:194 CDT] 000000a0 SystemOut     O 28 Jul 2010 11:00:01:194 [INFO] Entering callExitsIn 2
[7/28/10 15:00:01:501 CDT] 0000009f SystemOut     O 28 Jul 2010 15:00:01:501 [INFO] Entering callExitsIn 2
[7/28/10 15:00:01:503 CDT] 0000009f SystemOut     O 28 Jul 2010 15:00:01:503 [INFO] Leaving callExitsIn 2
[7/28/10 9:00:01:541 CDT] 00000037 SystemOut     O 28 Jul 2010 09:00:01:541 [INFO] Leaving callExitsIn 2
[7/28/10 11:00:01:842 CDT] 000000a0 SystemOut     O 28 Jul 2010 11:00:01:842 [INFO] Leaving callExitsIn 2
[7/28/10 11:00:02:013 CDT] 0000009f SystemOut     O 28 Jul 2010 11:00:02:012 [INFO] Leaving callExitsIn 2
[7/28/10 11:00:02:429 CDT] 00000034 SystemOut     O 28 Jul 2010 11:00:02:429 [INFO] Entering callExitsIn 2
[7/28/10 11:00:02:431 CDT] 00000034 SystemOut     O 28 Jul 2010 11:00:02:431 [INFO] Leaving callExitsIn 2
[7/28/10 11:00:02:946 CDT] 0000003d SystemOut     O 28 Jul 2010 11:00:02:946 [INFO] Entering callExitsIn 2
[7/28/10 11:00:02:948 CDT] 0000003d SystemOut     O 28 Jul 2010 11:00:02:948 [INFO] Leaving callExitsIn 2
[7/28/10 8:00:02:953 CDT] 00000038 SystemOut     O 28 Jul 2010 08:00:02:953 [INFO] Entering callExitsIn 2
[7/28/10 8:00:03:396 CDT] 00000038 SystemOut     O 28 Jul 2010 08:00:03:396 [INFO] Leaving callExitsIn 2

the 4th column is the thread count, the second field is the time, and the last column with the SERIALNUM text is the serial number. I need the thread number and the time stamp from the row with the SERIALNUM text so that I can regrep to get the thread that goes with that row and associate it with a row above that, that has the first Entering callExitsIn 2 text associated with it. I can not get the prior associated thread entry until I have the entry that lists the serial number.
the output is giving all entries of the time no matter what the thread is:


Meter, 070000079, came in on thread, 00000102, the time in was, 13:11:43:185 11:46:18:541 11:47:59:722 11:49:20:124, and the time out was, 13:11:40:739 13:11:44:024 11:46:19:
102 11:48:00:223 11:49:20:461,
Meter, 105456605, came in on thread, 00000038, the time in was, 13:11:42:306 15:11:43:520 13:11:44:565 11:46:29:764 11:46:50:928 11:47:38:335 11:47:56:521 11:48:12:733 11:48:
37:535 11:49:07:120, and the time out was, 15:11:43:884 13:11:44:029 13:11:45:131 11:46:30:082 11:46:51:458 11:47:38:887 11:47:57:092 11:48:13:202 11:48:38:037 11:49:07:881,
Meter, 105454746, came in on thread, 00000034, the time in was, 12:01:05:922 12:03:20:540 12:03:39:736, and the time out was, 12:01:06:295 12:03:20:868 12:03:40:361,
Meter, 056452251, came in on thread, 000000a0, the time in was, 0:16:09:121 10:16:30:326 10:50:16:339 9:50:16:919, and the time out was, 9:00:16:386 0:16:10:969 10:16:31:062
Meter, 103636973, came in on thread, 00000038, the time in was, 13:10:01:328 13:10:39:961 13:10:48:721 13:10:52:072 13:10:58:711 13:11:07:375 13:11:15:522 13:11:21:916 13:11:
25:926 13:11:34:916 13:11:37:931 13:11:42:306 13:11:44:565 13:11:51:525 13:12:02:941 13:12:27:525 13:12:38:339 13:13:13:730 15:13:17:619 13:13:20:523 13:13:26:522 13:13:36:33
5 13:14:14:117 13:14:36:301 13:14:44:473 13:14:56:679 13:15:32:644 13:15:59:947 13:17:01:929 13:17:02:146 13:17:13:098 13:19:49:119, and the time out was, 13:10:01:734 13:10:
40:465 13:10:48:723 13:10:52:404 13:10:59:040 13:11:07:378 13:11:15:524 13:11:22:412 13:11:26:335 13:11:35:286 13:11:38:534 13:11:44:029 13:11:45:131 13:11:52:096 13:12:03:55
2 13:12:28:058 13:12:38:847 13:13:13:734 15:13:17:622 13:13:21:223 13:13:27:769 13:13:36:832 13:14:14:552 13:14:36:303 13:14:44:791 13:14:56:680 13:15:33:241 13:16:00:344 13:
17:02:148 13:17:02:645 13:17:13:439 13:19:49:904 8:40:13:112,

I should have only one in time and one out time with each thread for that serial number. the input file for the meter_list is simply a list of serial numbers that match the last column in the row with the SERIALNUM in it

Did you check out what I wrote in my post? Also please use code tags as described in the PM, ty.

I tried everything you suggested. I even put in the echos. Everything is as it should be until I get to the intime and outtime. these two variables show up as either nul or blank. Every other variable has the correct values in them. I tried using awk instead of grep and got the exact same output.... no difference as far as the output goes, but it does look better in awk than it did in grep. is there a next step?

Add following lines in your code:

Thread_serialnum_time=$(cat masterlogfile.txt | grep "$meter" | awk '{ print $2 }' | cut -c 1-4 )
echo "Thread_count="$Thread_count
echo "Thread_serialnum_time="$Thread_serialnum_time

Both variables should have some value at this point. If not, they will neither have any value in the following lines.

Yep that did are great