grep to give how many times each lines were found

Lets say I have a file containing string patterns to be looked for inside a file.

I would normaly do :

grep -if MyFilePattern FiletoSearchInto

if I use the -c it gives how many total lines it found out of my whole pattern file, but what if i want grep to report how many times it found each records in the MyFilePattern file ?

This is to help me at my job to make sure whenever I do this, that I would either find each lines once or none at all. If one line is there more then once, then I have a problem that I must fix.

I just don't remember how to do it with grep.

while read str
   if grep -q "$str" FiletoSearchInto
       echo $str
done < MyFilePattern

What does the grep -q returns as value ?

can I do "if (grep -q ....) > 1" ???

I want anything that has been found more then once. If found once or not at all, then I don't want to know it.

-q gives the status of 0 if the match is found in the file else gives the status of 1.

try this

while read str
   if [ $(grep -c "$str" FiletoSearchInto) -gt 1 ]
       echo $str
done < MyFilePattern

The -q option of grep means "quiet": with this option grep gives a returncode 0 if it found the pattern and 1 of not. Additionally one doesn't have to get rid of the output as there is none. To use grep -q in a compound command use

if [ $(InputStream | grep -q "pattern" ; print - $?) -eq 0 ] ; then
     # pattern found
     # pattern not found

Here is a little script, which accepts a filename and a pattern (in principle any regexp should work, but i haven't tested it with more complicated ones - there may arise problems with the shell interpreting it in this case) and prints out the number of occurrences:



cat $fIn | while read chLine ; do
     while [ $(print - $chLine | grep -c "$chPattern") -gt 0 ] ; do
          chLine="$(print - "$chLine" | sed 's/'"$chPattern"'//')"
          (( iFound += 1 ))

print - "Occurrences: $iFound"

The script makes use of a certain feature of sed: to change only the first ocurrence of the pattern in a substitute-operation, as long as the g-clause is not given. The command

print - "pattern pattern pattern" | sed '/pattern/newpattern/'

will only change the first occurrence of "pattern", to change all one would have to write:

print - "pattern pattern pattern" | sed '/pattern/newpattern/g'

The inner loop "chops off" one occurrence of pattern after the other, until none is left. For every chop-off-operation a counter is increased.
