grep or sed patterns

i want to match a pattern

* ^Subject:.*<\hello\>

for my emails to me that has 'hello' anywhere in the subject.

If you just want to check the pattern "hello" , why can't u use grep?
Or if you want to extract any data based on this pattern, you can use sed.

But be clear on your requirement when posting and give sample i/p and o/p if possible.

it gets completed for people still touching on the basics:

What im trying to do is to find all messeges in my pine inbox and dump them in a folder called 'friendsfolder' that match the pattern 'hello'. And hopefully every step by me was takin correctly:

This is my general.rc file:

//* ^From:. * < -- i guess i dont need to know whos sending what

  • ^Subject:.*\<hello>\ < -- Just finding a message with Hello in its subject
    friendsfolder < -- want to put everything matching the regex to this folder

why doesnt it work? The folder exits in my mail directory and the regex is correct.
my .forward file which should intercept email by using the code below is in both my mail directory and home directory of the same syntax:

" | IFS=' ' && exec /usr/local/bin/procmail || exit 75 <stupidme> "

the procmailrc file is as follows containing all standard rules
# end of .procmailrc

could anyone help me with this?