Grep multiple keywords from a file

I have a script that will search for a keyword in all the log files. It work just fine.

 LOG_FILES={ "/Sandbox/logs/*" }
 for file in ${LOG_FILES[@]}; do
   grep $1 $file

This only works for 1 keyword. What if I want to search for more then 1 keywords, say 4 or maybe even 10 keywords.
So I would enter:

./ Chrome 400 POST

It would check for the IP address, chrome, 400 and POST keywords in all the log files. I see on the internet, they have something like this:

egrep 'A1|A2|A3' filename

This specify that it will grep the output that is either A1 or A2 or A3 but I would like to grep the output if it is A1 AND A2 AND A3. I'm not sure how to go about doing this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


The way to do that is to create a list of files containing A1 and passing them to a grep that will look at only those files. To search for A3 the second grep would have to produce a list as well which you could save or pipe through.

The program xargs is very helpful for this in that it reads an input file or piped input, runs your command, and places every line of your input file as the last argument(s) of your command.

grep -l A1 {2nd parm for star name files if necessary} |tee my.list1
xargs <my.list1 grep -l A2 |xargs grep A3

If you will be doing a number of searches on files containing your first search term, creating a file with a list should be useful.


In addition to what wbport suggested, there are some other alternatives in cases where the strings you are looking for all occur on a single line in your log files...

If the strings you are searching for always appear in the same order on a line (i.e., A1 followed by A2 followed by A3), you can use:

grep 'A1.*A2.*A3' file

If they can appear in any order, try one of the following:

egrep 'A1.*A2.*A3|A1.*A3.*A2|A2.*A1.*A3|A2.*A3.*A1|A3.*A1.*A2|A3.*A2.*A1' file
grep -e 'A1.*A2.*A3' -e 'A1.*A3.*A2' -e 'A2.*A1.*A3' -e 'A2.*A3.*A1' -e 'A3.*A1.*A2' -e 'A3.*A2.*A1' file

or create a file containing your REs (named REfile in this example) containing:


and then use:

grep -f REfile file

Note that if the strings you're searching for do not all appear on a single line, the code suggested by wbport will only print lines containing A3 (not lines containing just A1 or A2). If you want to print all lines containing A1, A2, or A3 but only print those lines if the file contains all three strings, you need an extra level of grep to print the final results (i.e. read some of your files four times when looking for 3 strings; three times to find the names of files that contain each string and a final time to print all three strings (using OR instead of AND). Or, you can use awk to read the file once, gather lines that match any of your strings and keep track of which strings have been found, and then print all matching lines at the end if all of your strings have been found. If this is what you need, we can help you figure out a way to do that, but I'm not going to try to do it here if you don't need to do that. Your description of your problem isn't clear as to the extent of the problem you're trying to solve.

Not sure what you're after. If it's the names of the files containig ALL of the keywords, try

grep -E 'A1|B2|C3' file[1-3] | cut -d: -f1 | uniq -c | grep '^ *3' | cut -d" " -f8

You will need to adapt the keyword count (3) of the last grep , and the field number (8) of the last cut .


grep -E 'A1|B2|C3' file[1-3] | awk -F: '{CNT[$1]++} END {for (c in CNT) if (CNT[c] == 3) print c}'


SRCH='A1|B2|C3'; grep -E $SRCH file[1-3] | awk -F: -vSRCH=$SRCH '{CNT[$1]++} END {for (c in CNT) if (CNT[c] == split (SRCH,T,"|")) print c}'

Hi, you may try this:

RE="/$A1/ && /$A2/ && /$A3/"
eval awk "'" $RE "'" filename

The first line is for the expansion of parameters; the second, eval, parses and execute the built command.


If all three need to be on the same line but can be in any order, just pipe the output from the first grep (without using -l) through the 2nd and 3rd. It won't be necessary to search for all permutations of what you need.


Here are a few alternatives; One is the use of shell expressions, the other is a relative of grep, agrep :

#!/usr/bin/env ksh
#!/usr/bin/env bash
#!/usr/bin/env zsh

# @(#) s1       Demonstrate match multiple strings AND and OR, agrep, shell.

# Utility functions: print-as-echo, print-line-with-visual-space.
pe() { for _i;do printf "%s" "$_i";done; printf "\n"; }
pl() { pe;pe "-----" ;pe "$*"; }
em() { pe "$*" >&2 ; }
db() { ( printf " db, ";for _i;do printf "%s" "$_i";done;printf "\n" ) >&2 ; }
db() { : ; }
C=$HOME/bin/context && [ -f $C ] && . $C dixf agrep

pl " Data file $FILE:"
cat $FILE

pl " With agrep, \"and\":a b c :"
agrep "a;b;c" $FILE

pl " With agrep, \"or\":a b c :"
agrep "a,b,c" $FILE

# A pattern-list is a list of one or more patterns
# separated from each other with a & or |. A & signifies
# that all patterns must be matched whereas | requires
# that only one pattern be matched. 

# shopt -s extglob
# shopt extglob

pl " With shell expressions, \"and\", a b c ksh (bash, zsh fail):"
while read line
  if [[ $line == @(*a*&*b*&*c*) ]]
    pe "Matched line: $line"
done < $FILE

pl " With shell expressions, \"or\", a b c ksh (zsh fail):"
while read line
  if [[ $line == @(*a*|*b*|*c*) ]]
    pe "Matched line: $line"
done < $FILE

pl " Some detail about agrep:"
dixf agrep

exit $?


$ ./s1

Environment: LC_ALL = C, LANG = C
(Versions displayed with local utility "version")
OS, ker|rel, machine: Linux, 3.16.0-4-amd64, x86_64
Distribution        : Debian 8.7 (jessie) 
ksh 93u+
dixf (local) 1.42
agrep - ( /usr/bin/agrep, 2012-04-12 )

 Data file data1:
chock full of beans
hello, world.

 With agrep, "and":a b c :
chock full of beans

 With agrep, "or":a b c :
chock full of beans

 With shell expressions, "and", a b c ksh (bash, zsh fail):
Matched line: abracadabra
Matched line: chock full of beans

 With shell expressions, "or", a b c ksh (zsh fail):
Matched line: also
Matched line: abracadabra
Matched line: chock full of beans

 Some detail about agrep:
agrep   search a file for a string or regular expression, with... (man)
Path    : /usr/bin/agrep
Version : - ( /usr/bin/agrep, 2012-04-12 )
Type    : ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (S ...)
Help    : probably available with -h
Repo    : Debian 8.7 (jessie) 

The agrep will be much faster for files of more than trivial size.

Best wishes ... cheers, drl

This code will not work since it contains an error because curly braces are used in the assignment.
For array assignment you need normal parentheses.

 LOG_FILES=( "/Sandbox/logs/*" )
 for file in ${LOG_FILES[@]}; do
   grep $1 $file

However, since "/Sandbox/logs/*" is quoted this results in an array with a single array element "/Sandbox/logs/*" .

It works because the array contents gets expanded in the loop, since the variables are used without quotes, but it will not work with files with spaces in the name.

The proper way to do this would be this:

LOG_FILES=( /Sandbox/logs/* )
for file in "${LOG_FILES[@]}"; do
  grep "$1" "$file"

Although if there are not too many files this would be more efficient (and thus faster):

LOG_FILES=( /Sandbox/logs/* )
grep -h "$1" "${LOG_FILES[@]}"


This does not do that . It returns the files that have matches on three lines for ANY of the keywords.


You do not need eval here, nor the quotes..

You can just use:

awk "$RE" filename

Assuming variables A[1-3] contain the strings that we are looking for..


Rats! You're right; I didn't think of duplicates. Wouldn't

grep -E 'A1|B2|C3' file[1-3] | sort -u | cut -d: -f1 | uniq -c | grep '^ *3' | cut -d" " -f8

be better?

Not really...
Let us imagine that file1 contains:

A1 x
A1 y
A1 z

and that file2 contains:

A1 B2 C3

and that file3 contains:

A1 x
B2 y
C3 z
A1 a
B2 b
C3 c

In this example, files file2 and file3 both contain all three strings, but the output from:

grep -E 'A1|B2|C3' file[1-3] | sort -u | cut -d: -f1 | uniq -c


   3 file1
   1 file2
   6 file3

which shows that only file1 comes up with a count of three unique matching lines.

Until we get a clear description of the desired output and the log file format, I think we're wasting our time guessing at what might supply the output the OP really wants.

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One more go :slight_smile: On rereading post #1, I think the OP is looking for a script kind of like this:

LOG_FILES=( /Sandbox/logs/* )
awk -v par="$*" 'BEGIN{split(par,P,"|")} {for(i in P) if(! index($0,P))next}1' "${LOG_FILES[@]}"

or :

LOG_FILES=( /Sandbox/logs/* )
for file in "${LOG_FILES[@]}"; do
  cat "$file"
done |
  awk -v par="$*" 'BEGIN{split(par,P,"|")} {for(i in P) if(! index($0,P))next}1'

index() is used, because the search should not be interpreted as regex