grep inside if condition - need help

hi i need help with below code.

if [[ `grep "Error - The script has to be run first" ${LOCAL_DIR}/ar_${DATE}_${ID}.txt` ]]
log "Exiting the script as ID= NULL"
log "Please run script first."

i am calling grep inside this but its not running any ideas why ??

input file is like this --

Msg 102, Level 20, State 1:
Server 'VA_DS', Line 12:
Incorrect syntax near 'Error - The script has to be run first'.

need help urgently

Works fine on my end

if [[ `grep "Error - The script has to be run first" file.txt` ]]
echo "Exiting the script as ID= NULL"
echo "Please run script first."
s:/tmp # sh file.s
file.s: file.s: No such file or directory
s:/tmp # sh
Exiting the script as ID= NULL
Please run script first.

Can't see any error either. Maybe post or describe your error.


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I am extremely sorry for posting something with need urgent help. it will not happen again.

@3junior i dont know why it doesnt work for me

i m getting the below error :-

./Script.ksh[30]: syntax error at line 274 : `]]' unexpected

and i m using this code:-

if [[ `grep "Error - The script has to be run first" ${LOCAL_DIR}/bor_${DATE _${ID}.txt` ]]
echo "exiting the script as id= null"
echo "please run script 1s"

any ideas i have already. put the error..

${LOCAL_DIR}/bor_${DATE _${ID}.txt

There is a space after ${DATE.