grep for non numbers

I want to find out whether a string contains non numbers and + and -
example :
Str="0005000A" - It contains A
Str="0005000+" - No problem

What I have done is ,
    echo $Str | grep [a-z,A-Z] 
    I will have to list out all non numeric characters here..

Is there any easy way of doing it...


echo $Str | grep '[^0-9+\-]'


Chk=$(echo $Str | tr -d '[0-9+\-]')
if [[ -n $Chk ]] 
     echo It contains $Chk
     echo No Problem

I think that the OP wants to get all strings that contain non numeric chars. So you would be leaving only the [0-9] in the grep or the tr.

echo $Str | tr -d '[0-9]'


echo $Str | grep '[^0-9]'

No that's not what OP asked for, it's exactly what Ygor posted, or if you chec the exit value what I posted.

just number with + or - are ok, anthing esle is not.

Oops.. sorry reborg, missed the second example there...

Sorry if my post seemed abrupt, it wasn't intended that way, I was really short on time and my response came out a bit clipped.