grep error: range endpoint too large

Hi, my problem:

gzgrep "^.\{376\}8301685001120" filename /dev/null 

###ERROR ###
grep: RE error 11: Range endpoint too large.

Whats my mistake?
Is the position 376 to large for grep???


gawk '/8301685001120/{o=$0; gsub(/8301685001120.*/,"",o ); if (length(o)<=376) { print $0 } }' file

No see the message clearly . It says Range endpoint. Do you have idea why you have given /dev/null/ there. I feel you have missed something over there. /dev/null is a blackhole which gobbles up anything thrown into it. Its mainly used to suppress error message. so It would probably be.

gzgrep "^.\{376\}8301685001120" filename 2>/dev/null 

Regards. :slight_smile: