Grep doesn't work when assigning to variable


First of all, I'd like to say hello to all members of forum.
Can You please help me with the matter described below?
I am trying to fetch a data from the file to variable, I am doing this using below script:

returned=`tail -50 SapLogs.log | grep -i -E "Error|"`
echo $returned

Unfortunately, the $returned variable contains all 50 lines from SapLogs file. There is no filtering by "Error". Moreover, when I am executing tail -50 SapLogs.log | grep -i -E "Error| without assigning to variable, it works perfectly.

What am I doing wrong? It could be very stupid mistake, but I am new in Bash scripting, please help.


You have used -E which enables ERE within grep. | means OR . And providing nothing after pipe means Null.

Are you sure you are executing same command (when works)?
If you want to search just Error (case-insensitive search ) you dont need pipe.

returned=`tail -50 SapLogs.log | grep -i "Error"`

If you want search Error|

returned=`tail -50 SapLogs.log | grep -i "Error|"`


Thank You a lot! It works now. But.. I have another problem now. I'll post new topic. Please look there if You have a moment.

Adrian Jdrzejewski