Grep command

grep -v '^[ ]*1' 

explain what is the output of the command.

Hello dineshaila,

Following may help you in same.

cat Input_file
   1dtessd  vufgugyug hgyugg

Then following command we ran as follows:

grep -v '^ *1'  Input_file

So output will be as follows.


So basically -v option omits the line to print if pattern following it is matched like as above(It is not printing the second line because it starts with a space and then followed by digit 1 ), which actually satisfy the regex provided after -v option. You could read man page for grep too by doing man grep .

R. Singh

it is also not printing

echo "123"|grep -v '^[ ]*1' 

if the pattern contains 1

As Ravinder already wrote -v omitts the printing of the matching lines. The * stands for any number of the former character (a blank), even none.

So it does not print this.

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