Grep a pattern in a key position a file

Hi guys,

So I have a file containing data of a marathon. Here's an example what it looks like including the given key:

# key: sex, time, athlete, athlete's nationality, date, city, country
M, 2:30:57.6, Harry Payne, GBR, 1929-07-05, Stamford Bridge, England
M, 2:5:42, Khalid Khannouchi, MAR, 1999-10-24, Chicago, USA
M, 2:5:37.8, Khalid Khannouchi, USA, 2002-04-14, London, USA

My task is to extract all lines that feature a runner's last name starting with a C.
What I did was; I sorted the file according to key 4 and redirected the output to a new file, which gave me the list sorted in alphabetical order according to their last name. I used this command to do this;

sort -k 4 marathon > t21a


Does anyone know if there is a command that allows me to grep all entries which have the last name starting with C from the key position these terms are in?
Any help would be much appreciated.

I have tried to grep from a key position but the option I used(from sort) does not exist for grep;

grep -k 4 '^[C,c]' t21b > t21c 

Thank you :smiley:


awk can do that. Try:

awk '$4~/^[Cc]/' t21b

The field separator here is comma-space so I would be inclined to use that:

awk -F', *' '$3~/ [cC]/' t21b

Note that these approaches only work if all persons have exactly two names.

The following approach would use the last name in field 3:

awk -F', *' '{n=split($3,F," ")} F[n]~/^[cC]/ t21b
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I'll try it out right now. Thank you :smiley:

---------- Post updated at 12:16 PM ---------- Previous update was at 12:12 PM ----------

Heyyy it worked, thank you so much :smiley:

---------- Post updated at 01:56 PM ---------- Previous update was at 12:16 PM ----------

So I'm having issues sorting a data set.
The data set contains entries as such;

# key: sex, time, athlete, athlete's nationality, date, city, country

M, 2:30:57.6, Harry Payne, GBR, 1929-07-05, Stamford Bridge, England
M, 2:5:42, Khalid Khannouchi, MAR, 1999-10-24, Chicago, USA
M, 2:5:37.8, Khalid Khannouchi, USA, 2002-04-14, London, UK
M, 2:4:48, Patrick Makau Musyoki, KEN, 2010-04-11, Rotterdam, Netherlands

I now want to sort this file according to the name of the athlete's, however, I don't want to sort it alphabetically but according to the number of names the athletes have. So for instance, I would like to sort the entire document starting with the entries of all the athletes that have 2-word names, then all the athletes with 3-word names and so on. Is this possible using sort?

I have tried various commands;

sort -k 4-5|4-6 t22 > t22a

sort -k 4,5 | sort -k 4,6 t22 > t22a

sort -kb 4 t22 > t22a

sort -k 4 -b t22 > t22a

But I haven't managed to sort the data in the way I want it.
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks in advance for your help.

Try introducing an extra column 1, that contains the number of words in column 3, then sorting on that column and then removing the extra column, for example:

awk -F', *' 'NR>1 && NF{print split($3,F," "), $0}' OFS='\t' t22 | sort -k1,1n | cut -f2-

NR>1 && NF skips the header and the empty line and split($3,F," ") produces the number of words in column 3

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