grep a list of values

Hi everybody! :slight_smile: :smiley: :smiley: :slight_smile:

it's great to be here since this is my first post.

touch /base/oracle/FRA/XMUT00/RMAN_FLAG
touch /base/oracle/FRA/XRLL00/RMAN_FLAG

find directory name containing RMAN_FLAG :

$ find /base/oracle/FRA -name RMAN_FLAG -print|xargs -n1 dirname |sort -u

find all file named *.arc :

$ find /base/oracle/FRA -name "*.arc" -print

I want to remove all *.arc files execpt those found in directories where RMAN_FLAG is present

I tried :

EXCLU=$(find /base/oracle/FRA -name RMAN_FLAG -print|xargs -n1 dirname |sort -u)

for file in $(find /base/oracle/FRA -name "*.arc" -print|grep -v ${EXCLU})
rm $file

but grep does not work with multiple values (I know perl grep function accept a list of values but shell grep don't :mad: )

any hints? using sed and/or maybe awk?

I'm on HPUX standard grep/awk/sed (not gnu)


This works for me:


for f in $( find /base/oracle/FRA -name *.arc -print )
  if [ ! -f "$( echo $f | sed 's/\/[^\/]*$/\/RMAN_FLAG/' )" ]; then
    rm -f $f

I've tested it with ksh, maybe some small modifications are needed for other shells.


thanks that's exactly what I needed

find /base/oracle/FRA -name RMAN_FLAG -print|xargs -n1 dirname |sort -u > tmp
for file in $(find /base/oracle/FRA -name "*.arc" -print|grep -v -f tmp)
Do the above modification to make grep work