Grep 9 string text

I have a file that have text like.

Download  	ABCD Edfdf x8634 4343 554545 (64bit) 	V33834-01 	1.4M
Download  	ABCD Edfdf x86 (64bit) 	V33855-01 	1.4M
Download  	ABCD Edfdf x8634 4343 5545 (64bit) 	V33834-01 	1.4M

i want text starts with V*-01 from above file.

awk '{ for (i=1; i <=NF; i++) if(substr($i,1,1) == "V")  print $i }' file_name


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if i have file that some text start with V* and i have similar file that have V*. If text is present in file1 but but not in file2 that display on screen.