GraphViz Help

I have a SLES 11(SP1) server that I am trying to install graphviz 2.28 on. Unfortunately that is not a comman combination, so I can't just use an RPM to install it, I have to build it from source. When doing so, when I configure it, I can't get it to recognize that pangocairo is actually installed:

I've been using:

./configure --with-extralibdir=/usr/lib64 --with-expatlibdir=/usr/lib64 --with-pangocairo=yes

But in the results of that command I am getting:

pangocairo:    No (pangocairo library not available)
# rpm -qa | grep -i cairo

# rpm -qa | grep -i pango

I also did:


No affect though

Has anyone built graphviz for this architecture, or run into this issue? Any help would be appreciated.

As with nearly all binary distributions, merely installing anything is not enough to actually compile using them. The header files, .a files, and other such "useless" things are seperated out into a random clutter of "-dev" or "-devel" packages which must be tracked down and installed individually. Search Results

Thanks for that link, already checked there, and we have to have 2.28+ Search Results

That makes it very new, and you should then compile the src rpm for your distribution. I am not aware of any other dependencies and the impact that they might have on your machine.