GPS Device not able to read xml files

Hi, new to Forum and I am not knowledgeable on any coding/encrypting or xml.

Short version of my problem is this;

My wife bought me a golf GPS unit years ago and the company was bought out by Callaway Golf and eventually discontinued. They dropped all support and website servers. This unit allowed you to buy courses �by the drink�
so when you downloaded a course a serial number or �key� was inserted in the course file so it would be read by your specific device.
My dog recently destroyed mine so I bought one off Ebay and transferred my course files to it, but it won't recognize my files.

I contacted the company and while they looked into seeing if someone could help me they eventually said no. It was unsupported now. They have absolutely no Data for the platform at all they say. While they were still supporting it, they said they could �Reset� the device to read other files in case of a sale but that is no longer an option.

I'm thinking that there has to be a way to modify the Course xml file to be read on the new device but the course file is gibberish to me. I'm hoping someone can understand this to help me get my gps working again. I can post pics of my original and new unit so you can see I'm telling the truth. My wife paid over $400 on it new and while there are newer gadgets out there I really like the course videos and how the unit operates so I don't want to give up.

I have files on the device that I can read that have the serial number listed. If the xml file has this somewhere then I feel I can get this to work.
I'll paste some of the file here. Again, any help is appreciated!

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Welcome to the forum.

I'm afraid your file is NOT xml which is very similar to html and looks like

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
     <tr><td class="thead">Quick Links</td></tr>
     <tr><td class="vbmenu_option"><a href="search.php?do=getdaily" >Today's Posts</a></td></tr>
     <tr><td class="thead">Networking</td></tr> 

Above file seems to be binary data and thus very difficult if not impossible to "decrypt" unless you have additional info, e.g. a layout description.

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You should attach a binary file, not paste it, as that has mangled it beyond recognition.

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Thanks, unsure how to attach it here, is there an "Easy" button for that?

hope this worked...

The only thing I recognize in that mess is "</course>".

lol, well thanks anyway. I knew this would be tough, but not this tough!

Thanks everyone

Again, this is not xml. How did it get that extension? Who sent / created it? Do you have other files? A very simple one, mayhap?

The file showed as .xml. I assume Uplay created it initially, then Callaway when they took over. I am attaching more files that are associated with the "new" unit.

As an aside: Please note

Handheld gps receivers can read GPX files (geocaching files ) commonly and some other proprietary files that are in xml format.

They cannot read them all, the interpretive programming is hardcoded. Proprietary external software is need to preprocess the xml file so it becomes readable. GPSbabel and GPSexpert, for exsamples, convert GPX files back and forth to dozens of completely proprietary formats, including xml. They allow you to move data from one internal format to another, usually with GPX(xml) as the lingua franca (intermediate file).

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Three of those are xml, course_info.xml is not. Unless we find additional help / info, I'm afraid I'm out of ideas.

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That's interesting. I'll look into GPS-specific end now. I was just hoping there was some kind of program that could "read" the file and determine what "coding", "language" etc, it was or that someone with experience with them could see it straight-away.

Thanks everybody, appreciate you all taking a look.

There is one actually, called as 'file', but this baffles it. The next thing I tried was 'strings', to identify any text sequences inside it, which also found nothing (except one unhelpful close tag). This doesn't seem like a commonly known data format. It might actually be compressed in a proprietary manner since it contains so few strings.

I tried gzipping the latest course_info.xml you posted, and it only shrinks from 1012K to 998K. An awful compression ratio like that is a pretty good sign that it's already compressed somehow. We won't be able to decode it until we know how it was compressed.

Thanks Corona.

Since the file "reading/deciphering" avenue doesn't look promising I will try to tackle this from the device end.

Looks like at initial startup the device pulls the system info from somewhere on the device (I see a Java jss file in there). I think that if I could "push" my info onto the device, then all my files would work. Since they probably had a tool/program, I will have to find some other way to do this.

Thanks so much everyone, my quest continues...