Gnuplot script

Need assistance in getting a script right. It requires little tweaking and I am not getting it right .

Using below data and the below script it creates a table with png file but regarding the time it create 6,7,8 and i want each time 6:15 ,6:30 and so on
So that i can view the exact graph properly . Any inputs are highly appreciated.


6:15 77.018
6:30 76.946
6:45 76.838
7:0 77.09
7:15 77.126
7:30 77.18
7:45 77.018
8:0 76.964
8:15 76.928
8:30 77.036
8:45 76.856
9:0 76.964
9:15 76.892
9:30 76.766
9:45 76.658
10:0 76.586
10:15 76.586
10:30 76.568
10:45 76.514
11:0 76.478
11:15 76.604
11:30 76.388
11:45 76.352
12:0 76.928
12:15 86.504
12:30 87.35
12:45 88.79

Script to plot

set terminal png size 1024,1024
set output 'no_wind.png'
set title "Wbgt monitoring"
set xlabel "time"
set key outside bottom
set ylabel "%"
set ytics format '%s%c'
set yrange [1:100]
set autoscale
set grid
set xdata time
set format x "%H"
set timefmt "%H:%M"
set ylabel "Percentage"
plot "no_wind.txt" using 1:2 title "Heat" with lines


set xtics format "%H:%M" scale 2 autofreq "00:15" rotate

xtics seems to obsolete the set format x .


Interesting, I'm sure my scripts can be made a lot simpler knowing that.

Thank you MadeInGermany . Its a good format .