gnuplot horizontal

simple question I thought.

How do I setup a chart in gnuplot that draws a "upper threshold" for a given set of data.

I have the graph charting fine. I have peaks and valleys. I can either setup a number that I want to be the "upper threshold". a horizontal line based either in the data, or set in the script. I cannot seem to figure out how to make that happen.


set terminal png nocrop enhanced font "/usr/share/fonts/liberation/LiberationMono-Regular.ttf" 10 size 1200,600 xffffff
set output '/root/gnuplot/images/statvv-level3_threshold.png'
set xdata time
set grid
set key box outside below
set xtics 300

set format x "%m/%d/%y-%H:%M:%S"
set timefmt "%m/%d/%y-%H:%M:%S"
set xtics rotate by -90
set ytics auto
set ylabel "yAxisLabel"
set style data lines
set title "title of chart"
set key below

plot 'file_with_data' u 2:8 t 'title'


file_with_data looks like this:

330000 09/12/11-20:29:27          string01   t  278  278  278 13480 13480 13480 1.1 1.1  48.5  48.5    1
330000 09/12/11-20:29:37          string01   t  172  225  278 1793  7634 13480 0.4 0.8 10.4 34.0    0
330000 09/12/11-20:29:47          string01   t  241  230  278  7205  7491 13480 0.6 0.8  29.9  32.6    0
330000 09/12/11-20:29:57          string01   t  191  220  278 2526 6250 13480 0.6 0.7  13.2 28.4    0
330000 09/12/11-20:30:07          string01   t  263  229  278 2024 5405 13480 0.4 0.7   7.7 23.6    0
330000 09/12/11-20:30:17          string01   t  612  293  612 7321 5724 13480 0.7 0.7  12.0 19.6    0
330000 09/12/11-20:30:27          string01   t  224  283  612 4455 5543 13480 0.5 0.6  19.9 19.6    0
330000 09/12/11-20:30:37          string01   t  161  268  612 1045 4981 13480 0.2 0.6   6.5 18.6    0
330000 09/12/11-20:30:47          string01   t  159  255  612 1105 4550 13480 0.2 0.6   7.0 17.8    0
330000 09/12/11-20:30:57          string01   t  196  250  612 2684 4363 13480 0.3 0.6  13.7 17.5    0
330000 09/12/11-20:31:07          string01   t  325  256  612  8414 4732 13480 0.4 0.5 25.9 18.5    0
330000 09/12/11-20:31:17          string01   t  177  250  612  1346  4450 13480 0.5 0.5   7.6  17.8    0
330000 09/12/11-20:31:27          string01   t  307  254  612   6851  4635  13480  3.3 0.8  22.3  18.2    1
330000 09/12/11-20:31:37          string01   t  156  247  612   1906  4439  13480  3.3 0.9  12.3  18.0    1
330000 09/12/11-20:31:47          string01   t  187  243  612   2533  4312  13480  2.9 1.0  13.5  17.7    1
330000 09/12/11-20:31:58          string01   t  241  243  612   2102  4173  13480  3.1 1.1   8.7  17.2    1
330000 09/12/11-20:32:08          string01   t  134  237  612   1359   4006  13480 3.4 1.2  10.1  16.9    0
330000 09/12/11-20:32:18          string01   t  201  235  612   3062   3953  13480 3.2 1.3  15.2  16.9    0
330000 09/12/11-20:32:28          string01   t  251  235  612  14184   4496  14184  2.7 1.4  56.5  19.1    6

I hope the formatting renders correctly.

column1 has been added so I can "pull" the horizontal line value from the data set. I can remove it. I want to just add a horizontal line across the chart, at 330000 relative to the scale.


You need provide the expect output. If you need add empty line on each data set, try this:

sed G file_with_data

I think you misunderstood. I want to chart a straight line through the chart. the data is irrelevant, but presented for illustration. I just want to chart the columns, with a timeline at the bottom, but I want a line horizontal through the chart.

Oh, then you have to look for the solution in that command

man gnuplot

that is not helpful. I'm attempting to create a horizontal "reference line" I believe. Can anyone provide a pointer? the script above does plot, the data is the essential structure. double spacign the dataset will not accomplish anything.

anyone with experience want to look at this issue?


Here is a quick solution to get a horizontal line. I commented out most of your command file and added a function. Then, on the dumb terminal I plotted the data and the function on the same plot:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# @(#) s1	Demonstrate overlay plot, straight line in gnuplot.
# See:

# Section 1, setup, pre-solution, $Revision: 1.23 $".
# Infrastructure details, environment, debug commands for forum posts. 
# Uncomment export command to run script as external user.
# export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin" HOME=""
set +o nounset
pe() { for _i;do printf "%s" "$_i";done; printf "\n"; }
pl() { pe;pe "-----" ;pe "$*"; }
edges() { _n="$1" _f="$2";head -n $_n $_f; pe "  ---";tail -n $_n $_f ; }
db() { ( printf " db, ";for _i;do printf "%s" "$_i";done;printf "\n" ) >&2 ; }
db() { : ; }
C=$HOME/bin/context && [ -f $C ] && $C gnuplot
set -o nounset


# Display sample of data file(s).
db " Section 1: display of input data."
pe " || start sample "
edges 3 $FILE
edges 3 data1
pe " || end"

# Section 2, solution.
pl " Results:"
db " Section 2: solution."
gnuplot g1

exit 0


% ./s1

Environment: LC_ALL = C, LANG = C
(Versions displayed with local utility "version")
OS, ker|rel, machine: Linux, 2.6.26-2-amd64, x86_64
Distribution        : Debian GNU/Linux 5.0.8 (lenny) 
GNU bash 3.2.39
gnuplot 4.2 patchlevel 2 

 || start sample 
# set terminal png nocrop enhanced font "/usr/share/fonts/liberation/LiberationMono-Regular.ttf" 10 size 1200,600 xffffff
set terminal dumb 50 20
strate(x) = 330000
plot 'data1', strate(x)

1 0
2 110000
3 220000
3 220000
4 330000 
5 440000
 || end


  450000 ++---+----+---+----+----+----+---+---+A
         +    +    +   +    +    +    +   +    +
  400000 ++...................................++
  350000 ++...................................++
  300000 ++...................................++
  250000 ++...................................++
         |    :    :   :    A    :    :   :    |
  200000 ++...................................++
  150000 ++...................................++
         |    :    :   :    :    :    :   :    |
  100000 ++........A..........................++
   50000 ++...................................++
         +    +    +   +    +    +    +   +    +
       0 A+---+----+---+----+----+----+---+---++
         1   1.5   2  2.5   3   3.5   4  4.5   5

See links in script for more information ... cheers, drl