Giving existing user access on ftp

Hi all,
I have a project on going that combines two different departments. I cannot give detais on this project, I�m sure everybody understands that, but I would like your help on giving me pointers on how to give an existing user access to ftp, without the need to give him full access. So here are the steps I took:
First I created this ftpuser with its own home directory

sudo useradd -d /home/ftpuser -m ftpuser

Them I wanted to give him access, but I didn�t want to give him full access using this code:

ftpuser ALL=(ALL) ALL

Don�t even know if this would work....
Anyway, I look on the net a way to give access to a user using chmod command, and I did found lots of interresing things, but not exactly what I had in mind. So please, can you help me?
Advanced thanks:)