give permission to read a file

I want to give tester only the account tester to view the file /var/mail/root nobody else but him and of course the owner root w/o changing the permisions of /var/mail/root -rw-------.

[tester@adminserver ~]$ cat /var/mail/root
cat: /var/mail/root: Permission denied

Maybe try it via sudo.

may i know how?

You could check the man page for sudo on your system, if it is installed or also search the web, as a start showing your proactive search for a solution :wink: There is an official sudo page which explains everything also.


Edit the sudoers file to your needs using the command "visudo". For more help check the mentioned sites. It should have this line for the example output down there:

Cmnd_Alias DO = /bin/cat /data/tmp/testfeld/bla
tester localhost = NOPASSWD:DO
-rw------- 1 root root     5 2009-01-29 12:59 bla
tester@isau02:/data/tmp/testfeld$ cat bla
cat: bla: Keine Berechtigung
tester@isau02:/data/tmp/testfeld$ sudo /bin/cat /data/tmp/testfeld/bla