Getting multipath information


How do I get multipath information from my HPUX servers like the multipath software used, and the version?


What do you call multipath? Are you talking of PVs seen by HBAs ?

Yes. If we have external storage devices attached to the server, like 3PAR, etc then for the device to be able to communicate with the server, and to configure the drives for mounting we need multipathing on the OS.

As I dont know whot/what you are using... I suppose I would start with a ioscan -funC disk look at the output and see if I find HW address that are similar passing by 2 different controlers...
So far you did not say what OS (version) you are using and architecture (yes there are still some PA-RISC out there...) nor if you are using esoteric software...
1? Is the system disc internal
2) Do you have already some VG configured
3) Are you using ( HP) LVM or other products...
4) What HBA do you have (Yes I had JNI HBA too...)
Those informations help you know...

Probably the most important information is HPUX version.

In 11.31 (HPUXv3), HP introduced agile multipath naming (/dev/disk/diskN), which represents a multipath device.

On v3 all you need is :
ioscan -m rsf

If you see multiple devices (cXtXdX - depending on SAN configuration, number of storage ports exposed etc.) for one /dev/disk/diskN in the output your multipath works.
You will use agile device name in your configuration (/dev/[r]disk/diskN).

In older releases, as vbe mentioned, multiple device files will represent one LUN from storage in older format (cXtXdX).
You must use all devices in your configuration to be multipath-ed.

Hope that helps