Getting first word from a line

How can i get first word form a line.

for eg.
I have this line:
"nbs2yth 3123 1 fsfsa thisissamletext"

I want to store the first word(here "nbs2yth") in a variable.

How can i do this, either using grep or awk commmand.

with bash

# aline="n=nbs2yth 3123 1 fsfsa thisissamletext"
# set -- $aline
# echo $1

with awk

echo "$aline" | awk '{print $1}'

To strip out the first space till the end:

var=${string%% *}


var1="nbs2yth 3123 1 fsfsa thisissamletext"
echo $var1 | awk -F" " '{print $1}'

no need -F" "

You are correct, no need to give -F" ", as the default delimiter for awk command is "<space>". But it is always better practice to use -F" " to specify the delimiter what we are passing...


not just space.