Getting filename for Nth line pattern match


I have many scripts in particular directory. And few of the scripts have exit 0 in second line. Now i wanted to list out the scripts name which has the exit 0 in its second line

I tried many options , but i can not get the filename along with the nth line pattern match :mad:. Can anyone please help on this?


awk 'NR==2&&/exit 0/ {print FILENAME}' infile

You can try something like:

awk 'NR==2 && /exit 0/ {print FILENAME}' *.sh

If the scripts are scattered over some subdirectories you might want to feed awk with a find or recursive ls.

Hi rdcwayx and zaxxon,

Thank you. If i specify the input file name its working fine. But if i give *.sh its not giving any output
I want to search in all the scripts, so i cannot specify the input filename



awk '/exit 0/&&FNR==2{print FILENAME}' *.sh

Hi Scrutinizer,

Thanks a lot. Now its working fine. But in some of the scripts has #exit 0. I want the scripts which has exit 0 only.That line should not have commented.

Is there anyway to omit the scripts which has #exit 0?

Thank you,

How about this,

grep -n "exit 0" *.sh | perl -nle 'if (/(.*\.sh):2:/) {print $1}'
awk '/exit 0/&&FNR==2&&!/^#/{print FILENAME}' *.sh

Hi Pravin,

Thank you. This command also works fine. But this also gives the script which has #exit 0. Here we cannot use -v option also right

Thank you,

Try this,

grep -nx "exit 0" *.sh | perl -nle 'if (/(.*\.sh):2:/) {print $1}'

Hi Pravin,

Thank you.This command also works fine. But this also gives the scripts which has #exit 0. Here i can not use -v option also right


There are a number of ways in which exit 0 could be commented out. But this might work for simple cases, see if this works for you:

awk '/exit 0/&&!/^[[:space:]]*#/&&FNR==2{print FILENAME}' *.sh

Hi Scrutinizer,

Thanks a lot. It gives me the perfect result. If i want to excute this command from root.
I execute the command like below

find / -print 2> /dev/null | xargs awk '/exit 0/&&!/^[[:space:]]*#/&&FNR==2{print FILENAME}' 2> /dev/null

But its not working. I am using AIX 5.3. Is there any idea to execute this command from root


Hi puni,

This will not work since the argument xargs produces will be way to large and it will not work for file names that contain special characters...

try this slower option instead :

find / -name '*.sh' 2> /dev/null -exec awk '/exit 0/&&!/^[[:space:]]*#/&&FNR==2{print FILENAME}' 2> /dev/null {} \;

Hi Scrutinizer,

Thank you very much. It gives me the perfect result. Thank you again :slight_smile:
