getopts takes options for parameters

Here is my post with a question about getopts. I am running korn shell on Solaris 5.8. I am trying to ensure that certain options require a parameter, which is easy enough. I have found that if multiple options are entered on the command line together, but the parameter for one of the options is missing, getopts will simply take the next option letter as the parameter. Example:


USAGE=$([-a] [-b file_b] [-c] [-d] [-e file_e] [-f]);
while getopts "ab:cde:f" opt
case $opt in
a) minusa=$opt;;
b) minusb=$opt
c) minusc=$opt;;
d) minusd=$opt;;
e) minuse=$opt
f) minusf=$opt''
/?) echo Unrecognized parameter
exit 1;;

If I run the example script with any one of the options which require a parameter, or if the option with the required parameter is the last in the list, getopts will tell me that the option requires a parameter.

$example.shl -b or
$example.shl -ab
Both will return an error to standard output stating the option requires a parameter.

But, if I enter the option in the following manner, it will not tell me when the parameter is required, it will take the next option as the parameter:
$example.shl -abc or
$example.shl -a -b -c

How can I force getopts to recognize the difference between an option and a parameter?



I add another case statement for these kinds of parameters:


USAGE=$([-a] [-b file_b] [-c] [-d] [-e file_e] [-f]);
while getopts "ab:cde:f" opt
    case ${opt} in
            [[ ${OPTARG} = -* ]]   && usage "Invalid parameter \"${OPTARG}\" provided for agurment \"-${opt}!\""
            [[ ${#OPTARG} -eq 0 ]] && usage "Argument \"-${opt}\" requires a parameter!${OPTARG}"

    case $opt in
        a) minusa=$opt;;
        b) minusb=$opt
        c) minusc=$opt;;
        d) minusd=$opt;;
        e) minuse=$opt
        f) minusf=$opt''
        /?) echo Unrecognized parameter
        exit 1;;