Getopt eval set parameters not happening when the script is called through an application!


There is an Informatica tool through which unix scripts can be called. Now the requirement in my project is that a parent script calls a child script but this parent script has to be called through the Informatica tool.

In Parent script I'm using

TEMP=`getopt -o x:y: -l area:,volume: -- "$@"`
 eval set -- "$TEMP"

It works fine on Linux box but when I run the parent script through the tool it says

 Remote script with arguments is --

It's not able to execute

eval set -- $TEMP

Any suggestions on how to resolve this?

The getopt utility is still available on many systems, but it has been obsolete for decades and suffers from several shortcomings. Try using getopts instead.

And, of course, without knowing what options you're trying to parse and what the rest of your script looks like it is impossible to provide much real help. My crystal ball is too cloudy today. :confused: