Geting a value dynamically from topas

Hi all,

I got an idea to get a value (like Syscall or %comp details for example)dynamically from topas. Is there any way to do this. I guss there must be some door opened for this. I tried running topas and redirecting to a file but in vain.
The idea is, script should run topas in backround for one min when ever invoked and then should fetch the %comp, %noncomp etc, values.
I tried many silly ideas and ended up in :wall:

Guss some one can help and share some best ideas in it.

Thanks in advance,

Warm Regards,

see vmstat, svmon, sar, nmon, perfpmr

Ya, I tried that... but im mainly looking for values like %comp, %noncomp values which im finding difficult to get from vmstat, svmon etc...

Have not used these commands but they might work for you.


See man topas the part for -R flag. You can extract the reports using topasout. Also useful will be xmwlm.

xmwlm: illegal option -- h
Usage: xmwlm {-d recording_dir} {-n recording_name} {-t trace_level} {-L}
-L to activate daily recordings in /etc/perf/daily.