getcwd: permission denied error

When I do a 'cd /appl' and issue 'ls -al' command, I get the following error for .. directory.
./..: Permission denied
But still I get a listing of other directories under /appl.

Also, if I give 'man' for any command under this /appl folder, I get the following error:
getcwd: Permission denied

When I issued 'ls -ld /appl', I get the following output.

drwxrwxrwx 19 appmgr dp 1024 Feb 6 00:15 appl/

Is anything screwed up in the appl directory attributes?


This seems to be an odd sequence of events. Post the result of:
uname -a
ls -lid /
cd /appl
df -n .
ls -ia . | grep "\.\."
ls -i . | grep "\.\."
Only one of the last two lines will produce output depending on whether or not you are root. To continue...
cd ..

Also what shell are you using? Is "ls" an alias?

Here is the output:

$ uname -a
SunOS obiwan 5.7 Generic_106541-15 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-Enterprise

$ ls -lid /
2 drwxr-xr-x 49 root root 1024 Feb 6 07:07 //

$ cd /appl
$ df -n .
/appl : vxfs

$ ls -ia . | grep "\.\."
./..: Permission denied

$ ls -i . | grep "\.\."
$ cd ..
$ /bin/pwd

We use ksh and there is no alias for 'ls' command.


I've seen stuff like this before on SunOS and I believe that it is a bug in the SunOS kernel. The problem is that the permissions on the mountpoint are wrong. After a mount, this should not matter, but with SunOS it does.

To make the problem go away, you need to do:

umount /appl
chmod 755 /appl
mount /appl