Get the awk cmd for two condition

Hi All,

i have following cmd to get a �n/a� value from one particular column, but if i need to take one column n/a value with based on other column this cmd will help?


col1    col2    col3
234    RR    Yes
n/a    RR1    No
236    RR2    No
237    RR3    Yes
238    RR4    No
n/a    RR5    Yes

from this using following cmd

awk -F\\t '{ if (NR == 1) { for (i=1;i<=NF;i++){if ($i=="col1") { c=i } } };if (NR 
!= 1) {if ($c ~ /n\/a/ ) print $2 }}' file.tsv 

I will get the list of col2 which have n/a in col1,

if i want col2 value have "n/a" and does not contained "yes" on col3.
how can i change this cmd.

Is this what you are looking for?

awk -F'\t' 'NR==1{print;next}$1=="n/a"&&$3!="Yes"' file.tsv