Get latest update for RHEL systems

Hi all,

I want to get latest package updates for my RHEL systems. I don't any account with RHN so that I can get updates from there. All I'm interested in knowing is that is it possible to get package updates without registering with RHN. And If yes then how. I have read about RHN satellite and RHN proxy. Got really confused. I'll be really thankful if someone can help me out with this.



RedHat has told us that any RedHat systems must be licensed. You can't get RedHat rpms legally without a license. If you have a license but no account talk to your rep and get an account.

If you have hundreds of licensed systems you might not want each one downloading rpm's directly from RedHat. So you put a satellite server on your lan and each system gets rpms from the satellite server. The satellite server has other features to help manage a collection of systems. We didn't like satellite so we dropped it. We download rpms from RedHat and just create our owb NFS based repositories.

There are distros that take RedHat source code (freely available) and create linux systems that are super close to RedHat (like CentOS and Yellow Dog) but without the fees.

You can download the source code for RHEL and build the packages yourself if you have a lot of time on your hands. Source code is freely available at

You should be running CentOS, not Red Hat.