Get first four characters from the variable name

Hi all

I have a variable name as below


Now i need to search for FCST in this variable and run a program

I am doing like this but it is failing

if [${RUNBATCH} |grep "FCST" == "FCST" ]; then ****RUN PROGRAM**

Please help


if [[ "$(echo $runbatch | grep FCST)" != "" ]]; then echo "find";fi
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if [[ $(grep "FCST" <<<${runbatch}) ]]; then ***RNU PROGRAM***
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This can all be done with standard variable expansions without needing to invoke utilities that aren't built into the shell:

if [ "${runbatch#*FCST}" != "$runbatch" ]
then    ****Run Program***

You said run the program if FCST appears in $runbatch . If you meant if FCST appears as the 1st four characters in $runbatch , change "${runbatch#*FCST}" to "${runbatch#FCST}" .

Note that spaces around [ and ] are crucial and shell variable names are case sensitive.

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