Get common lines from multiple files


chr1    31237964    NP_001018494.1    PUM1    M340L
chr1    31237964    NP_055491.1    PUM1    M340L
chr1    33251518    NP_037543.1    AK2    H191D
chr1    33251518    NP_001616.1    AK2    H191D
chr1    57027345    NP_001004303.2    C1orf168    P270S


chr1    116944164    NP_001533.2    IGSF3    R671W
chr1    33251518    NP_001616.1    AK2    H191D
chr1    57027345    NP_001004303.2    C1orf168    P270S
chr1    89606840    NP_940862.2    GBP6    R48C
chr1    110751878    NP_006393.2    HBXIP    P45L
chr1    246803952    NP_001001821.1    OR2T34    A244T


chr1    17164810    NP_055490.3    CROCC    G1471R
chr1    36323375    NP_055281.2    TEKT2    R61G
chr1    89606840    NP_940862.2    GBP6    R48C
chr1    40302534    NP_006358.1    CAP1    V115L
chr1    33251518    NP_001616.1    AK2    H191D
chr1    62026171    NP_795352.2    INADL    P336H


chr1    116944223    NP_001533.2    IGSF3    S651I
chr1    116944223    NP_001007238.1    IGSF3    S631I
chr1    150394079    XP_001724459.1    RPTN    E707G
chr1    36323375    NP_055281.2    TEKT2    R61G
chr1    150547095    NP_002007.1    FLG    E2297D
chr1    172075300    NP_060592.2    DARS2    G338E
chr1    222620225    NP_054903.1    CNIH4    G54S

I want a script (awk preferably or python) that will look for common lines in the 4 different files. Files are sorted on Col1, but can be resorted if necessary.
I want to have three output files
1) Commonlines in all 4 files
2) Common lines in any 3 files
3) Common lines in any 2 files. Getting which files have the common-line would be nice too.

Kindly help

Possibly a point to start from:

[house@leonov] sed -i fileA -e 's/.*$/& \t fileA/g'
[house@leonov] sed -i fileB -e 's/.*$/& \t fileB/g'
[house@leonov] cat fileA fileB >> common
[house@leonov] sort common
chr1    110751878    NP_006393.2    HBXIP    P45L        fileB
chr1    116944164    NP_001533.2    IGSF3    R671W       fileB
chr1    246803952    NP_001001821.1    OR2T34    A244T   fileB
chr1    31237964    NP_001018494.1    PUM1    M340L      fileA
chr1    31237964    NP_055491.1    PUM1    M340L         fileA
chr1    33251518    NP_001616.1    AK2    H191D          fileA
chr1    33251518    NP_001616.1    AK2    H191D          fileB
chr1    33251518    NP_037543.1    AK2    H191D          fileA
chr1    57027345    NP_001004303.2    C1orf168    P270S          fileA
chr1    57027345    NP_001004303.2    C1orf168    P270S          fileB
chr1    89606840    NP_940862.2    GBP6    R48C          fileB

Given your sample data, the following script:

awk 'END {
  for (R in rec) {
    n = split(rec[R], t, "/")
    if (n > 1) 
      dup[n] = dup[n] ? dup[n] RS sprintf("\t%-20s -->\t%s", rec[R], R) : \
        sprintf("\t%-20s -->\t%s", rec[R], R)
  for (D in dup) {
    printf "records found in %d files:\n\n", D
    printf "%s\n\n", dup[D]
  rec[$0] = rec[$0] ? rec[$0] "/" FILENAME : FILENAME
  }' file[a-d]


records found in 2 files:

        filea/fileb          -->        chr1    57027345    NP_001004303.2    C1orf168    P270S
        fileb/filec          -->        chr1    89606840    NP_940862.2    GBP6    R48C
        filec/filed          -->        chr1    36323375    NP_055281.2    TEKT2    R61G

records found in 3 files:

        filea/fileb/filec    -->        chr1    33251518    NP_001616.1    AK2    H191D

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Guess there are no duplicate lines in same files.

2 means from 2 files, 3 means from 3 files.

$ sort File* |uniq -c |sort -n

      1 chr1    110751878    NP_006393.2    HBXIP    P45L
      1 chr1    116944164    NP_001533.2    IGSF3    R671W
      1 chr1    116944223    NP_001007238.1    IGSF3    S631I
      1 chr1    150394079    XP_001724459.1    RPTN    E707G
      1 chr1    150547095    NP_002007.1    FLG    E2297D
      1 chr1    17164810    NP_055490.3    CROCC    G1471R
      1 chr1    172075300    NP_060592.2    DARS2    G338E
      1 chr1    222620225    NP_054903.1    CNIH4    G54S
      1 chr1    246803952    NP_001001821.1    OR2T34    A244T
      1 chr1    31237964    NP_001018494.1    PUM1    M340L
      1 chr1    31237964    NP_055491.1    PUM1    M340L
      1 chr1    33251518    NP_037543.1    AK2    H191D
      1 chr1    40302534    NP_006358.1    CAP1    V115L
      1 chr1    62026171    NP_795352.2    INADL    P336H
      1 ichr1    116944223    NP_001533.2    IGSF3    S651I
      2 chr1    36323375    NP_055281.2    TEKT2    R61G
      2 chr1    57027345    NP_001004303.2    C1orf168    P270S
      2 chr1    89606840    NP_940862.2    GBP6    R48C
      3 chr1    33251518    NP_001616.1    AK2    H191D

Just to clarify that I wrote all that code only because of this requirement:


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Dear Radoulov,
That worked perfectly well.. exactly as I wanted!
I would like to know if this script is extensible for say a hundred such files?
Also if the files are names differently; not file[a-d], how will the code change.
Could you also give a brief explanation if time permits.
Sincere thanks

If you want to generalize this works for finding common lines that occur in any n files:

  filecnt=$( find /directory/to/files -type f )
  awk -v n=$filecnt  ' 
          {arr[$0]++; next} 
          END{for (i in arr) { 
            if(arr==n) {
                     print arr
          } '  $( find /directory/to/files -type f ) > outputfil

change the value of n to be less than the number of files or whatever you need. Note that if you files are hundreds of MB's each you will probably run out of virtual memory if you try this on a large numbers of files....

in this case the number of arguments (input files) is limited only by your system (MAX_ARGS kernel limit).

As far as the script is concerned, the filenames are irrelevant,
just pass the input files as arguments:

awk 'END {
  for (R in rec) {
    n = split(rec[R], t, "/")
    if (n > 1) 
      dup[n] = dup[n] ? dup[n] RS sprintf("\t%-20s -->\t%s", rec[R], R) : \
        sprintf("\t%-20s -->\t%s", rec[R], R)
  for (D in dup) {
    printf "records found in %d files:\n\n", D
    printf "%s\n\n", dup[D]
  rec[$0] = rec[$0] ? rec[$0] "/" FILENAME : FILENAME
  }' <any_filename_1> <any_filename_2> ... <any_filename_n>

I'll post the explanation later.


This does not work correctly.
The file results show

fileA/fileA/fileA/fileA/fileA --> chr1
in my actual data.
The sample worked.. and I know there are no duplicate lines because atleast one filed in the everyline is different from others.
Please help

... so you should post samples of your real data files.

I've been asked to provide an explanation of the awk code:

awk 'END {
  # the END block is executed after
  # all the input has been read
  # loop over the rec array
  # and build the dup array indxed by the nuber of
  # filenames containing a given record
  for (R in rec) {
    n = split(rec[R], t, "/")
    if (n > 1) 
      dup[n] = dup[n] ? dup[n] RS sprintf("\t%-20s -->\t%s", rec[R], R) : \
        sprintf("\t%-20s -->\t%s", rec[R], R)
  # loop over the dup array
  # and report the number and the names of the files 
  # containing the record   
  for (D in dup) {
    printf "records found in %d files:\n\n", D
    printf "%s\n\n", dup[D]
  # build an array named rec (short for record), indexed by 
  # the content of the current record ($0), concatenating 
  # the filenames separated by / as values
  rec[$0] = rec[$0] ? rec[$0] "/" FILENAME : FILENAME
  }' file[a-d]