get a field from a record

I have a file as:

I need to find if fourth field is blank or has a space and print that line to other file.

I tried using awk but am not getting the desired result.
Pls help.

awk -F, '$4 ~ /^ *$/' FILE > OTHERFILE

Thank you.

can I do something like this to add one more condition of checking if the 4th field is number or space or blank also:

awk -F, '$4 /^[]*||[0-9]*/' MYFILE >> OTHERFILE

I also want the other part i.e. I need to exclude all lines whose 4th field is space or blank or number:

t,y,u, ,i

The new file should contain only first line. I tried using the below but I also get 3rd line

awk -F, '$4 /^ [A-Z]*/' MYFILE >> OTHERFILE

I need OTHERFILE to have only first record.

awk -F, '$4 !~ /[0-9]/  && $4 !~ /[ ]/ && $4!=""' filename

I have a similar question. I file a file with lines that look like this


As you can see each field is separated by a comma. I'm trying to find all the lines that has "1" on the fourth field.

Any help would be appreciated

awk -F, '$4 == "\"1\"" {print}' filename