generating core dumps

I have a Fedora installed and I try to generate my application's core dump file.
My system has no coredump limit:
$ ulimit
core file size (blocks, -c) unlimited

But when my application crashes no core dumps generated. I can generate dump file using gcore but it is not appropraite for my situation because it generates coredump file when I execute gcore, not when my application crahes.

Why can be the reason that my system doesn't allow coredumps to be generated? And how can I use gcore to generate coredump file when my app crashes?


Are you exceeding the the disk quota with your core dump? Are you blocking signals? What event (SIGBUS, SIGSEGV, etc)
causes the core dump event - if even you don't get a core file.

quota -v

will show you if quotas are enabled.

If your program calls chdir(), the core file will be in that new directory.

Thiss will find errant core file

find / -type -f -name core -user xyzt -exec file {} \;

The file program will identify the source code name fro the core dump. In case there are other core files out there.