Generate unique mac address


I want to generate 2000 mac address. Please let me know how to do so.
Perl script or there is some tool availlable wherein i can give the count and it will generate that many mac-address


You know that there's more to MAC addresses than just a sequence of 6 HEX numbers separated by : . But, as vague as you are in your request, this will do:

$ awk 'BEGIN {while (i < 2000) {a=sprintf ("%.12X", i++); gsub(/../,"&:",a); sub(":$","",a); print a}}'
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Thanks for your help. I am not into scripting. Just started with it. Can you tell me how to save the following code and run it into linux.

Copy / paste into terminal?

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Hey i got how to run it..

#!/usr/bin/awk -f
BEGIN {while (i < 2000) {
a=sprintf ("%.12X", i++);
print a


Save it in a file and run using below cli

echo | awk -f <file_name>