Geek Tool Shell Commands in HTML

I'm new around these parts but I figured I might as well ask something thats been bothering me for a while. I have a little HTML experience and really none at all with unix. I have been running a geektool-a preference pane that outputs shell commands onto the desktop for Mac. Recently I have been building a custom web browser start page.

I have been wondering if it would be possible for me to use some of the shell code that I use in geektool in the locally-stored browser startpage. For reference here is some of the code that I have been trying to get into the page, without success.

curl --user username:password | grep -E '(<li>)' | sed -e 's/<[^>]*>//g' | sed -e 's/&nbsp\;//g' |  sed -e 's/&bull\;/*/g'

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.

Without seeing the webpage we can't tell you how to extract data from it.

Sorry, I thought it was just a more general question of how to show output from shell commands in html. But if it helps at all here is the site that I am trying to extract the original data from.

How to extract data depends entirely upon the website arrangement, which I still cannot see from that URL. There's not really a general-purpose answer since the data can be formatted so many different ways. Some sites even rely on javascript to display their content which pretty much rules out all automated retrieval and processing.

Maybe lynx --dump can do it in one swoop, but that tends to be ugly and makes it hard to tell which sections you want to keep and which you want to toss. And it doesn't support javascript of course.

Ok I guess I'll try this one more time then.
Say I wanted to take the output from the script found at this location

and embed it into a custom browser start page in HTML. Any tips?

Well, it has to be run on the server, if you were thinking of the client side. If you dump it in your webserver's cgi-bin directory you can execute it there, but that may not be too useful in that form You could run it in a PHP script easily:

<?php system("/path/to/"); ?>

and from there adapt it to how you want.