Gawk command

Hello experts :slight_smile:

I have a question about Gawk command on AIX, could someone tell me the function of this command ?
i have a script which has a gawk command :

/usr/bin/xmllint --format /data/work/PROU/aggregates.flat.xml | gawk '! /<!--.*-->/ {print $0}' | gawk -f "/data/work/PROU/parseAGG.awk" GCPATH="/data/work/PROU"

Thank you,


gawk is the GNU variant of the awk command which is a versatile text processing tool. In above script, the first gawk removes all lines from stdin that don't contain the <!--.*--> string, where .* is a wild card matching any multi character combination, and prints the reminder to stdout which is piped to another gawk that runs an - unknown to us - script ( /data/work/PROU/parseAGG.awk ) on it using a variable called GCPATH .

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Thank you so much :slight_smile: