Gaim connect to MSN exchange

Is it possible for GAIM to connect to an MSN Exchange Instant Messaging server?

Please try and post it here I would say. That is the best way to find out and the way the most of us have learned the things we know :wink:

Johan Louwers.

Please try and post what here? My question? My question was: is it possible for Gaim to connect to a Microsoft Exchange Server IM, such as Windows Messenger. That's a yes or no question.

I will rephrase what Johan posted.

Please try, then let us know the result.

If you mean "try connecting to Windows Exchange Server through GAIM", yes, we've tried, before I even posted, many many many times, surfed pages of web documents, forums, you name it.

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Here's my scenario:

I am on a Windows XP computer, with Windows Messenger. I connect through Microsoft Exchange Server (as opposed to .NET or SIP). My buddy is on Linux SuSE 10.1, has GAIM, but we haven't been able to figure out how to connect it to the Microsoft Exchange Server. There doesn't seem to be any documentation on this, or any forums describing how it's done. The only reason I'm here is because I thought someone here might have tried this or figured out how it's done. So far it doesn't look possible, but if anybody knows, please feel free to enlighten me.

To talk to a Exchange Server you will have to make use of RVP. More information about RVP can be found at this location. Also a nice read is RFC 2778 which is discussing "A Model for Presence and Instant Messaging".

If you want GAIM to talk to your Exchange Server you will need a plugin. A plugin that enable RVP support can be downloaded here or here .

And please post the results when you have installed it...... :wink:

Regards, Johan Louwers.