Functionality of ant build and ant deploy unix commands

I have made some code changes in the corresponding java file for date formatting purpose so that it supports upgraded sybase version from 12.6 to 12.7 and have build the code and deployed using the following UNIX commands.

  • ant build
  • ant deploy.

"ant build" executes the build.xml which is present in the pkgs/roots/nadw/src/adw/make path. This cleans the old jar files and generates new jar files with proper class files (including code changes) and overrrides in the path pkgs/roots/nadw/prd/java/lib.
After that "ant deploy" command is executed.

All commands executed successfully but the jar files are found not overrridden and it is also corrupt which is a mystery.

NOTE: Before doing code changes all the services are brought down and after the code changes we restart the server.

The procedure we followed in development and testing servers. But it worked fine. In production it throwed error.

It throws what error? That's kind of important.