FTP XLSX file from UNIX to windows


Could someone suggest me how to FTP a xlsx file from unix to windows.

I can able to transfer xls file from unix to windows successfully. But if i transfer the xlsx file im not able to open, it through error like "The file format or file extension is not valid"


Check if you are transfering the file in binary mode not in text, since xlsx is nothing more the zip file with xml files inside.


Hi Peasant,
Thanks for your reply.

Yes im transfering the file in binary mode.
FYI, if I ftp the file with xls extenstion i could open it. But if i tranfer it with xlsx it says "file format or extension is in valid"


Probably the issue is then on server side, which is stopping you from upload of xlsx file based on some kind of file extension check on the server side.

What's creating the xslx file on the Unix box? And what are you trying to open it with on the Windows box?