FTP user and Umask issue


I have user ID created in AIX calld FTPuser in AppServer

Umask for this user ( FTPuser ) is umask 002

from my workstation I'm doing as the following

ftp Appserver
Connected to Appserver.
230 User FTPuser logged in.
put testfile.sh

file will be transferd but the issue is file will be transferd to my Appserver with this permission -rw-r--r--

as per the defined umas it shuold to be with this permission-rw-rw-r-- ( umask 002 )

Why I'm getting different in the permission?

Pls advices ...

Because the ftpd has a umask of its own. Use the


ftp request to change it or start the ftpd with the

-u XXX

option. man ftpd.