ftp transfer

Hi ....I'm trying to ftp 2 pkgs SUNWqlc & SUNWqlcx since they were accidentally deleted from my servers. For one reaseon or the other my server is not loading the cdrom, so I mounted the cdrom on a differernt server & ftp's to it.

I tried to get this pkg using the bin & I get an error message :not a plain file.
I also tried using ascii & I stll got the same error message. Does anybody know why this is happening.

Really appreciated.

ftp> ascii
200 Type set to A.
ftp> get SUNWqlc
200 PORT command successful.
550 SUNWqlc: not a plain file.
ftp> bin
200 Type set to I.
ftp> get SUNWqlc
200 PORT command successful.
550 SUNWqlc: not a plain file.

"Not a plain file" means that the file in question is not a plain file. That is, it is a directory, FIFO, special file, socket, etc.

If you are having problems ftp'ing a directory the easiest way to do this would be the following

goto the server with the pkgs you need.. Tar up the folders and SCP them to the other server

tar -cvf Foldername.tar.gz Foldername
tar -cvf Foldername2.tar.gz Foldername

scp Foldername.tar.gz root@serverIP(destination):/location/to/put/file/.
scp Foldername2.tar.gz root@serverIP(destination):/location/to/put/file/.

goto your server where you just put the files and untar them

tar -xvf Foldername.tar.gz
tar -xvf Foldername2.tar.gz

Or just use a NFS mount if the packages are on a disk.