FTP Return 32

Dear All,

I have problem when uploading files the FTP Server threw message like this : ftp return 32. Files not get uploaded.

OS is Sun Soalaris 2.10

Please help what is the meaning of that message...


That's really strange. Is the OS you mentioned on the server or the client? Do you know what FTP server software is used? Version? Does it fail for ALL Files, or just some files?

Sorry, I just rechecked again the code. The tag "ftp return" is hard-coded. But the value 32 is the value returned by the built-in "ftp put" function in the code. It is written in dsd (it's a language used by particular framework product, derived from TCL as I know).
The manual says the "ftp put" will return non-zero value if success, else 0.

Usually it return 226 for every file uploaded, but recently some times it return 32 and no file uploaded.

Below is the sample success log :
[20081009230000]:[ INFO ] : Total Files in Dir are 4
[20081009230000]:[ INFO ] : FTP Connected to xx.xx.x.xx (edited)
[20081009230000]:[ ERROR ] : Remote Dir is /xx/xx/xx/ (edited)
[20081009230000]:[ ERROR ] : Total Files in Dir are 4
[20081009230000]:[ ERROR ] : ftp return 226
[20081009230000]:[ ERROR ] : Error String is Transfer complete.
[20081009230000]:[ ERROR ] : File uploaded xxx
[20081009230001]:[ ERROR ] : ftp return 226
[20081009230001]:[ ERROR ] : Error String is Transfer complete.
[20081009230001]:[ ERROR ] : File uploaded yyy
[20081009230001]:[ ERROR ] : ftp return 226
[20081009230001]:[ ERROR ] : Error String is Transfer complete.
[20081009230001]:[ ERROR ] : File uploaded zzz
[20081009230003]:[ ERROR ] : ftp return 226
[20081009230003]:[ ERROR ] : Error String is Transfer complete.
[20081009230003]:[ ERROR ] : File uploaded aaa
[20081009230003]:[ WARNING ] : Total files Uploaded are 4
[20081009230003]:[ INFO ] : Closing the File Handle

Below for the failed upload log :
[20081003234500]:[ INFO ] : Total Files in Dir are 2
[20081003234500]:[ INFO ] : FTP Connected to xx.xx.x.xx (edited)
[20081003234500]:[ ERROR ] : Remote Dir is /xx/xx/xx/ (edited)
[20081003234500]:[ ERROR ] : Total Files in Dir are 2
[20081003234500]:[ ERROR ] : ftp return 32
[20081003234500]:[ ERROR ] : ftp return 32
[20081003234500]:[ WARNING ] : Total files Uploaded are 0
[20081003234500]:[ INFO ] : Closing the File Handle

The OS is the same for both client and server. But I don't know what the FTP server software it used..

Could that be the bug in the product?

You are referring to the code that runs the initiating (local-client) side? If so, either its an "undocumented feature", or a bug. 32 is not an allowable FTP return code, from the server's point of view: FTP, File Transfer Protocol

From the logs, it almost looks like it cannot upload to an empty directory. Try these: Can you upload files whose filename already exists? Can you upload into an empty directory? Can you upload into a full disk? Can you always download?

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