Ftp issue

In the automated process. due to space in between banking and critical, the below command is not working in the automated process. Can anyone help it out. If I am putting cd banking critical-Bas" and file get ftp'ed. but not through the below line

ftp -m "ftp.com" -d "banking critical-Bas"

I've not seen ftp called in this way before. The -d flag enables debug, not specify a target directory.

As you don't specify credentials or use a here-document, can I presume that you have created an appropriate record in .netrc giving you an automated connection?

I don't see where you put your file. Can you show us what you do manually and show us the output from your attempts to automate it? We can then try to help a little more.

Please wrap code, files, input and output/errors in CODE tags, like this:-

to produce the following (fixed character width, space respected):-

This is my code

Not only does it make posts far easier to read, but CODE and ICODE sections respect multiple space and have fixed width characters, which is important for easily seeing input/output requirements.

Thanks, in advance,

There has to be a .netrc file for the user or that cannot work at all. There has to be a put or mput command somewhere. We need more information to help you.

As it stands this looks to be impossible for us to give you helpful answers. If files have been going over to the other system this command as shown is not doing it.

in the automated process. due to space in between banking and critical. the below command is not working in the automated process which is scheduled in the maestro scheduler. also the credentials were entered into the .netrc file.. can anyone help it out. if I am putting cd banking critical-Bas" and file get ftp'ed manually its work.

Through maestro .. the ftp job is not submitted through masestro scheduler. I guess due to the space present in the directory

ftp -m "ftp.com" -d "banking critical-Bas"

---------- Post updated at 10:16 PM ---------- Previous update was at 09:49 PM ----------

in the automated process. due to space in between banking and critical. the below command is not working in the automated process which is scheduled in the maestro scheduler. also the credentials were entered into the .netrc file.. can anyone help it out. if I am putting cd banking critical-Bas" and file get ftp'ed manually its work.

Through maestro .. the ftp job is not submitted through masestro scheduler. I guess due to the space present in the directory

Okay, we're all getting confused a bit here.

Can you show us the script that is being called and the parameters it is being called with? If you can paste (in CODE tags) in the errors, we can then try to find out where it's getting lost.
