FTP issue

Hi guys,

I have a jumpserver that I connect to in order to connect to my SOLARIS boxes. I cannot connect directly. I used a remote terminal server and from there putty to the servers. That is OK.

My only problem is when I need to FTP something to it. I have found no way to do that.

Any clue how can I approach this situation or to move files to the servers?

I tried to move SSH credential from a user and I did not find a way.


This sounds like two ways you connect to your servers. Or maybe I'm confused ... :confused:

I connect via Remote Desktop to a PC somewhere. From that remote PC I use Putty to connect to the servers. My local PC does not connect directly to the servers. How can I transfer a file?

I believe somebody is doing it in my company but they do not want to release the secret.

If ssh is available, sftp and scp should be available too (exactly the same protocol and credentials). scp works like:

scp /path/to/local/source username@host:/path/to/remote/destination
scp username@host:/path/to/remote/source /path/to/local/destination

and sftp works a lot like the ubiquitous commandline ftp utility. Both of these have windows equivalents from the same developers who made PUTTY.

It won't be direct from your PC to the server, but I think you can copy a file and paste it into the remote host, then SCP it from there. See the pscp and psftp utilities.

Alternately, you could put the file onto another FTP server somewhere and have your solaris boxes download them via commandline FTP. Or on a web server where your remote windows box can download them, and scp them onwards from there.

Thanks Corona 688. I found a way within Remote Desktop to map the drives in the remote desktop and from there FTP to the Solaris box.
Thanks again.