FTP in ksh script


I'm trying to get "ftp" commands work inside a function written in ksh script; but it seems to be not working!!

Here's the code:

function chk_ftp_path {
ftp -ivn $IP_ADDR << EOF

When I run the main script (that calls the above function written in another script) then the script hangs after encountering "EOF"!! I don't know why? Please advice.


Comment out all code, and just print $1,2,3,4 and check if the value passed by you to function is properly reflected while calling?

Also, enable debugging using "set -x".

Hi psshah,

I am actually hard-coding those values in function (only for demo purpose I've shown function accepting values). So the values being passed to the function is not a problem. And I've enabled the debugging too....and this is what it displays!!

+ ftp -ivn ip_addr
+ 0<< \EOF
user user_name passwd
cd /remote/path
............-> hangs until I press ^C

don't know what's happening!! :frowning:


You said you are calling the script with the function from another script. You should capture what you pass to that script outside of the function, no?

I am also facing the similar problem in a shell script. Does anybody have the answer?

Can we see all the exact script(s) which matches the "set -x" trace.
The trace does not mention a function call.
The trace does not look like it came from "ksh". What Operating System and version is this?

Please check the script for invisible control characters:

sed -n l scriptname

Please check whether "ftp" is aliased.

alias | grep "ftp"

Please also try with verbose enabled:

set -vx

I am running the script on red hat Linux. I am calling the calling in normal shell.

     ftp -nv hostname <<SCRIPT1
            user $user $password
             cd  /location1
             mget *.txt
                  -------> this is where its hanging 
    case return_value in
    0) echo 'successful file transfer' >> $path/return;;
    *) echo 'Error in ftp' >> $path/return;;

when I run the trace, its showing the following statements and i dont see the update to the file $path/return

Connected to Hostname
331 Password required for username.
230 User username logged in.
250 CWD command successful.

Make sure SCRIPT1 is at the beginning of the line and perfectly matches <<SCRIPT1. If there's any mistake, the here-document may become the entire script.

Your code after the FTP is wrong, too.

if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]
        echo 'successful file transfer'
        echo 'Error in ftp'
fi  >> $path/return

thank you so much, it really worked. Its with the spaces thats causing the problem at the end SCRIPT1 tag.

Please make sure what when you post your code, you post your real code, all of your real code, word for word, letter for letter, keystroke for keystroke, in code tags!! If I hadn't seen a similar problem recently I'd have never guessed :stuck_out_tongue: