ftp files from Unix to Windows through shell program

I made a shell script to allow user to ftp file to windows shared drive.
Here is part of my code within my shell script:
/usr/bin/ftpmtc $usr $pswd $jobno

Within 'ftpmtc':
$UCB/echo "user $1 $2" > $inst_file
$UCB/echo "cd prod" >> $inst_file
$UCB/echo "ascii" >>$inst_file
$UCB/echo "cr" >> $inst_file
$UCB/echo "" >> $inst_file

$UCB/echo "lcd /tmp/prodhrs " >> $inst_file
$UCB/echo "put $3.prodhours $3prodhours " >> $inst_file

$UCB/echo "bye" >> $inst_file

$UCB/ftp -n mtc < $inst_file

The thing I am trying to do here is to use my shell program to ftp on the fly depending what kind of file we got from shell program.
I use echo command to create temp ftp script and use 'ftp -n mtc < ftp_script'
From my observation, if I don't use sh -x myprogram to run, I can't guarantee that the program ftp file to windows.
But if I use 'sh -x myprogram' to start, it seems always sucessful.
Does anyone know why it happend this way?

Thanks for your help!!

No one reply ?
Does this mean that my question was not clearly stated or just no one knows why?

do "chmod 755 myprogram" and run as "/dir/myprogram" or "./myprogram" if you're already in the directory ...

Mine was already chmod 777.
I changed to chmod 755 but it didn't help.


  1. what is the actual command line you use that fails?

  2. what is the PATH set for the script?

  3. what are the first 3 lines of the script?

Just Ice,

  1. what is the actual command line you use that fails?
    -- When I run my script program, I just type the program name like 'myprogram'. Within 'myprogram' there will be one line to provide argument to a script program to write a ftp file. Here is the line within 'myprogram':
    /usr/bin/ftpmtc $usr $pswd $jobno

The 'ftpmtc' is a shell script program who write ftp command on the fly to a tmp file called $inst_file. Below is almost the whole program:

Within 'ftpmtc':
$UCB/echo "user $1 $2" > $inst_file
$UCB/echo "cd prod" >> $inst_file
$UCB/echo "ascii" >>$inst_file
$UCB/echo "cr" >> $inst_file
$UCB/echo "" >> $inst_file

$UCB/echo "lcd /tmp/prodhrs " >> $inst_file
$UCB/echo "put $3.prodhours $3prodhours " >> $inst_file

$UCB/echo "bye" >> $inst_file

$UCB/ftp -n mtc < $inst_file

  1. what is the PATH set for the script?
    --the PATH for 'myprogram' is in /usr/bin and it's the same as ftpmtc file.

  2. what are the first 3 lines of the script?
    the first 3 lines of 'myprogram' is
    # Version "prodhrs --3 03/31/2005"
    the first 3 lines of 'ftpmtc' is:

I noticed that if I run 'myprogram' in the directory other than where it's located, it will not ftp files.

Thanks for your help!!

... sounds like you have a PATH problem with your external commands ... where is $UCB being set? is it at the script level or at your shell level? is the $PATH also being set at the script level or is it inherited from your shell?

Just Ice,
Thank you for your reply.
I found out where the problem is: I have a same named program in my home directory that I didn't know.
Once I deleted it , the problem is solved.

Thank you so much for your response otherwise I don't know where to look for.