FTP File Permission

Hi Guys,

I need help on how to configure file permission to be set to 755 whenever user ftp the files from their notebook to the AIX server. Currently when the user ftp the files, the default permission is 640. Please help me to vi the required files.


Helo raybakh.
You can change the umask for yout ftpd daemon transfers, using "-u" option.
Normally, ftpd is started by inetd, so you will have to modify the corresponding line in /etc/inetd.conf. It would look like:

ftp     stream  tcp6    nowait  root    /usr/sbin/ftpd         ftpd -u 022

and restart inetd (refresh -s inetd).
This will force new files to be created with 644 (755 for directories).
As far as I know, you cannot force 755 for both files and directories.